If you are part of our Dancesportlife community you might already now that we have launched Dancesportlife Academy, an online platform of courses, where people around the world can access videos from 25+ dance teachers.
There, you can find camp lectures from Master Evolution Training Camp and Gladiators Dance Congress. Furthermore, you can find our online course with Mirko & Edita Gozzoli, Fundamentals of Ballroom.
The entire dance world is suffering right now because of the pandemic of COVID-19. Many countries are in lockdown and teachers and dancers cannot get together. During these difficult times online education comes to the rescue. Being stuck in your home doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren’t be able to access information, learn something new or practice.
Now, more than ever, you have enough time to research more information. Maybe you’re interested in a special topic from dancesport, something you’ve always wanted to find out more about or watch a lecture from a teacher who you’ve never met before.
Have your curiosities answered! What would you like to learn and from who? Send me you answers at [email protected]
Q&A Giveaway and Discounts
We want to lift your spirits up and that is why we’ve decided to:
On this page you can find out how to get the Q&As. One important thing: this giveaway and the discount are available only until the 2nd of April!
We are also working on trying to improve the way we are communicating our information to you. In this case, website design and copy are crucial in order to make the information more clear.
We have changed our homepage design and also tried to play a little more with our wording.
Let me know on my email address [email protected] if there are any changes you would like us to make or if there are certain things that aren't clear.